Antonio Armario

Antonio Armario
Antonio Armario is currently Full Professor of Physiology at the Institut de Neurociències and the Department of Cellular Biology, Physiology and Immunology (Animal Physiology Unit, School of Biosciences) in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His main interests are: (1) Biological markers of acute and chronic stress; (2) Adaptation (habituation) to chronic stress; (3) Animal models of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder; (4) Brain processing of stressors: immediate early genes and epigenetics changes; (5) Interaction between stress and addictive drugs and (6) Biological bases of individual differences. He has directed or co-directed 30 doctoral dissertations and participated with invited lectures in 20 Meetings and Symposia. Dr Armario is member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, and Stress. He has published 196 papers in peer review journals and has an H index of 47. He has awarded with the IX prize in Health Sciences of the Uriach Foundation in 2006, on the topic “Stress: physiology and derived pathologies”. His last project is the study of “Uncontrollable stress in adolescence as a predisposing factor to psychopathology: role of the reorganization of prefrontal circuits and the dopaminergic System”.