Bernhard Kuster

Bernhard Kuster
Bernhard Kuster is a chemist by training and obtained is PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford. He went on to do a PostDoc funded by an EMBO long-term fellowship at the EMBL in Heidelberg and the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. After seven years as VP Analytical Sciences and Informatics at the biotech firm Cellzome (now GSK), he became full professor of Proteomics at the Technical University of Munich in 2007 where he is also Vice Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Chair of the Department for Biosciences, Co-Director of the Bavarian Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Center and Carl von Linde Senior Fellow of the TUM Institute for Advanced Studies.
Bernhard’s research focuses on mass spectrometry based proteomics and its application to chemical and systems biology. He is particularly interested in how drugs interact with proteins, signaling pathways and cellular systems in order to understand their often multiple modes of action. Bernhard has published over 150 papers on proteomics and bioinformatics with a recent focus on systematic protein-drug interaction profiling. Bernhard received a number of awards in recognition of his contributions to science, notably the Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award of Human Proteome Organisation for mapping out a draft of the human proteome. His team continues to develop proteomic technologies and generates large-scale proteome studies that serve as a starting point for the exploration of the human proteome and its application to drug discovery and personalized medicine.