Fernando J. Corrales

Fernando J. Corrales
Fernando J Corrales received the BSc degree in Biological Sciences (1986) and the PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1992) from the University Autónoma of Madrid. After a Postdoctoral period at the University of Cambridge (UK), he joined the CIMA, University of Navarra where he has been Professor of Biochemistry and head of the Proteomics, Genomics and Bioinformatics Facility since 1999. He is currently Senior Scientist and head of the Proteomics Laboratory at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. He is an active researcher in the field of Biochemistry. His interest is now focused on the study of the mechanisms associated to liver function as well as those involved in the progression of liver diseases using proteomics and genomics approaches, which are then combined with a systems biology-based strategy. His research activity has been regularly founded by regional, national and international grants and lead to the publication of 146 scientific articles H=28; more than 2400 cites/year). He is member of the editorial board of different journals specialized in proteomics and hepatology, General Coordinator of the Molecular and Bioinformatics resources Platform and ProteoRed-ISCIII (Spanish Proteomics Network) and is member of the Executive Councils of the European Proteomics Association and the BD and C-Human Proteome Project as well as PI of the Human Liver Proteome Project and the chromosome 16 Spanish Human Proteome Project.