Mercè Martí Gaudes

Mercè Martí Gaudes
Dra. Mercè Martí is the Head of the CMRB-IDIBELL Core Facilitiy (CMRB-IDIBELL CF). The CMRB-IDIBELL CF enhances cooperation between technical specialist and researchers. With this aim, the facility has been provided with sophisticated equipment and technology, as well as expert personnel. The CMRB-IDIBELL CF is composed by the following units: mouse, aquatic animals, cell and tissue models, histology, optical microscope, electron microscope, flow cytometry, molecular biology, molecular interactions, proteomics and genomic unit.
During this last 10 years Dra. Martí have mainly collaborated into the field of stem cells and in studies of different animal models to understand a basic mechanism of initial development and organogenesis, as well as the high regenerative capacity of some of them. The CMRB team specifically demonstrate that after partial heart amputation in zebrafish, cardiomiocytes undergo first a dedifferentiation, and then a subsequent proliferation. Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated that in Xenopus tail regeneration, there is a dedifferentiation of the myofibers. New data observed in the tadpoles regeneration study encouraged the team led by Dra. Martí to perform a thorough description of the post-natal myogenesis. As a result they have described a new satellite cell division model. In addition, the large experience of her technical team in immunodetection technologies and different microscopies has been compiled in another papers related with the characterization of iPSC.