Simo Schwartz Jr

Simo Schwartz Jr

Simo Schwartz Jr

Barcelona, Spain
CIBBIM-Nanomedicine. Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)

Director of CIBBIM-Nanomedicine and Team leader of the “drug delivery and targeting group” focused on new biomedical nanotechnology-based applications. Member of the Science Advisory Board of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and Science Advisor of the European Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (EU-NCL). He is also Science Advisor of SOM BIOTECH and CELGENE, member of the Advisory Board of NANOCAN, Southern Denmark University, and has been recently appointed as President of the European Society of Nanomedicine and Executive Board member of the International Society of Nanomedicine. He helds 13 patents, most transfered to leading companies of the biotech and pharma sectors and coauthors more than 80 papers in high impact factor journals. Dr Schwartz Jr was also appointed as Deputy Director and technology transfer coordinator of “CIBER de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina” (CIBER-BBN) of the Spanish Health Institute CarlosIII (ISCIII) which gathers a total of 45 research groups of national excellence in the field of nanotechnology and nanomedicine. Dr Schwartz was also Co-founder and Science Advisor of ARGON Pharma SL and is also member of the editorial Board of the journals Nanomedicine-NBM and the Eur. J. Nanomedicine.