
  • Multi-Scale Simulation of Living Organisms: from Genomes to Human Organs
    Massive DNA sequencing, genomic transcription and functional genomics help us decode the action mechanisms of human genes. Additionally, proteomics and molecular-modeling tools are bringing us new knowledge on how proteins work inside cells. And, finally, integrating medical data into biomechanical...Llegeix més
  • 18/09/2013 to 20/09/2013
    The rapid evolution of computing capabilities is bringing us closer to the dream of being able to simulate humans. Computer simulation can range from subatomic models of complex bio-molecular processes to whole-organ simulators. Furthermore, integrative approaches involving the development of new...Llegeix més
  • 11/07/2013 to 12/07/2013
    Outdoor air pollution results from emissions from road transport, industry, heating and commercial sources. About 100 000 premature adult deaths attributable to air pollution occur each year in the European Region. Road transport emissions from road traffic account for a significant share of this...Llegeix més
  • 28/05/2013 to 29/05/2013
    There has been growing evidence that Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) is the most widely distributed malaria parasite, accounting for the majority of cases in Latin America and Asia. Malaria accounts for approximately 250 million clinical cases and nearly 1 million deaths annually, mostly in children...Llegeix més
  • Extremely Preterm Babies. Improving Perinatal Care
    16/01/2013 to 17/01/2013
    Currently, 75% of deaths in hospitalized children occur in preterm babies and 80% of children hospitalized in neonatal units are preterm. In Europe and most developing countries, the rate of preterm births ranges from 5% to 9%, and in the United States it has even reached 12% (2010). Most of these...Llegeix més
  • Unsolved Problems in Heart Repair
    28/11/2012 to 30/11/2012
    Treating ischemic heart disease is a key challenge for the healthcare system in developed countries, and increasingly so for developing countries, due to the growing prevalence of this disease; particularly because of its long-term effects. In Europe and the United States alone, 1.5 million acute...Llegeix més
  • Neuroètica: desxifrant les arrels del bé i del mal
    La neurociència actual comença a descriure la moralitat des d’un punt de vista científic. Les noves tècniques exploratòries permeten observar com funcionen els cervells dels criminals més cruels i despietats, des­triar marcadors gènics i maduratius que predisposen a les conductes antisocials o...Llegeix més
  • Neuroethics: from Lab to Law. A Scientific Scrutiny of Sociability, Responsibility and Criminality
    12/11/2012 to 13/11/2012
    Neuroethics is a new field of science that focuses on the neurobiological foundations of many critical aspects of society. It covers both the neuroscience of ethics and the ethics of neuroscience. The former mainly refers to breakthroughs in neurosciences, which provide a scientific explanation for...Llegeix més
  • Alimentar el món. Seguretat i sostenibilitat en la producció global d'aliments
    22/10/2012 to 08/11/2012
    In recent decades, food production has evolved into a complex system of industrial processes as a result of both the need to supply an ever-growing population and because of the business opportunities offered by the new globalised markets. Accordingly, the distance between producer and consumer has...Llegeix més
  • 09/10/2012 to 09/11/2012
    Breakthroughs in cutting-edge sequencing tools have led to a drastic reduction in economic and human-resources costs, which opens up infinite possibilities for sequencing and analyzing genome characteristics of both animal and plant species. The focus of genome studies has changed radically, moving...Llegeix més