
  • Bruce Tromberg

    Laser light has become one of the key tools for scientific, technological and economic advancement in many areas, ranging from telecommunications and the Internet through the life and health sciences, to the environment and entertainment. In the health arena, light is the focus of many biomedical research studies and is a key element in developing projects with clinical applications. Some of the...Llegir més
  • Jordi Camí

    The origins and causes of Alzheimer are unknown; it is impossible to prevent and diagnosed late; there is no drug available to curb or slow down its progress. Increased life expectancy coupled with a lack of solutions for Alzheimer and other related dementias will lead to serious social and healthcare problems in the future. These diseases aren’t treated in the healthcare system but do consume...Llegir més
  • Wilhelm Krull

    Honored with the Mainz Academy of Science and Literature’s Leibniz Medal, the Swedish Order of the North Star, and the Lower Saxony State Award. At various international meetings you have said that many of the problems we are currently facing and will face in the future can't be solved without great breakthroughs in basic research. We have great challenges to tackle and the future of Europe is...Llegir més
  • Ravi Basavappa

    Dr. Basavappa currently administrates grants in the NIGMS Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics and coordinates AIDS research for this Institute. He also participates in a number of programs led by the NIH Common Fund, related to funding high-risk, high-return research, such as the NIH Director’s Pioneer, Director’s Transformative R01 and the New Innovator Awards. Over the past decades,...Llegir més
  • Josep Maria Gatell

    La sida és l’epidèmia més important del món i un dels problemes més greus de salut pública, segons dades de l’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS). A l'Estat espanyol hi ha unes 140.000 persones infectades pel VIH (Virus de la Immunodeficiència Adquirida), de les quals unes 30.000 estan a Catalunya. El primer fàrmac antiretroviral és de 1987. Uns anys després, al 1996, es va aconseguir...Llegir més
  • Anna Veiga

    Des de llavors ha continuat focalitzant el seu treball en avenços biomèdics que han millorat la qualitat de vida de moltes persones i actualment es dedica a la recerca amb cèl·lules mare, que permetran curar malalties, novament obrint camins cap a un futur més pròsper en aquest sentit. Anna Veiga té una trajectòria professional d’excel·lència i estretament vinculada a Catalunya. Doctora en...Llegir més
  • Ferran Sanz

    One of the challenges of biotechnology and biomedical science is to be able to quickly and efficiently manage the massive volume of information generated. The information being generated in the omic sciences and the bioinformatics tools aren’t being applied as expected in the field of the life sciences to improve and advance in basic biomedical research. This lack of development of translational...Llegir més