Toni Gabaldón

Toni Gabaldón
Biochemist by training (University of Valencia, Spain, 1997), Toni Gabaldón performed a PhD in comparative genomics in The Radboud university (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) in 2005, and an EMBO-funded postdoc in the CIPF center (Valencia, Spain). In 2008 he started his own group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (Barcelona, Spain). Gabaldón has always used an evolutionary perspective to address different biological questions. He is research is not focused in understanding how complex biological systems work, but also how they have came to be as they are. Over his career he has been awarded prestigous grants and awards such as the ICREA professorship or the ERC Starting Grant. He currently leads a citizen science project focused on the oral microbiome of thousands of Spanish teenagers (Saca La Lengua, Stick out your tongue), which was awarded with the Diario Medico « Best Idea of the Year » prize in 2015.