Younes Smani

Younes Smani

Seville (Spain)
Institute of Biomedicine of Seville

Younes Smani graduated in Cellular Biology and Animal Physiology in 2002 at the University of Henri Poincaré, Nancy (France). He did his PhD thesis in 2006 in Hematology at the Physiology and Hematology department of University of Henri Poincaré, Nancy. In 2007, he joined the Infectious Department of University Hospital Virgen del Rocío of Seville (Spain) as posdoctoral researcher. Since 2016, he is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville. He has published 49 papers in scientific indexed journals and over 70 conference abstracts. His research lines are focused on the study of the bacterial pathogenicity and the development of non-antibiotic approaches to treat bacterial infections.