Francesc Rabanal
Francesc Rabanal
Francesc Rabanal is a Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. He carried out his PhD in the CID-CSIC in Barcelona and a postdoctoral stay in the School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, first as an EMBO fellow and later as Johnson Research Fellow. His research focuses mainly in the design, synthesis and in vitro and in vivo studies of antimicrobial peptides, particularly polymyxins, with the long-term objective of developing them as future drugs for the treatment of multi-drug resistant infections. He has more than seventy international publications, an h index of 31 (Google Scholar), eight patent applications and, is a recipient of several grants. He has also been guest editor of the special issue “Polymyxins” in the journal Molecules and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Biomolecules. Finally, he is a member and programme leader in the ENABLE European consortium (European Gram-negative Antibacterial Engine; Innovative Medicines Initiative New Drugs 4 Bad Bugs programme) for the development of antibacterial drugs.