Márian Martínez-Balbás

Márian Martínez-Balbás
Marian Martínez-Balbás. Research Scientist and Group Leader of Molecular Signaling and Chromatin group at the Barcelona Molecular Biology Institute (IBMB)-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
Graduated in pharmacology from the Santiago de Compostela University, Marian Martínez-Balbás obtained her PhD at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona studying DNA and chromatin structure. She was a postdoctoral Fellow at the NIH (USA) where she focused on chromatin remodeling and dynamics at Dr C Wu's laboratory. Subsequently, she moved to the J Gurdon Institute (group of Dr T Kouzarides) in Cambridge (UK), to study the contribution of histone modifications to cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. In year 2000 she got a permanent CSIC position at the IBMB, where she created the “Molecular signaling and chromatin” laboratory. Presently, her research is focused on understanding the role of several chromatin regulators controlling the transcriptional program during development. Her group analyzes different aspects of chromatin dynamics during neurogenesis, using in vitro and in vivo models.