Federico Gobbi

Federico Gobbi
• Dates (from – to) 02/01/2008 up to now
• Name and address of employer Ospedale Sacrocuore Don Calabria, Negrar, Verone, Italy
• Type of business or sector Centre for Tropical Diseases
• Occupation or position held Consultant
• Main activities and responsibilities In-patient and out-patient management, co-operation, teaching, research.
• Dates (from – to) 1992-1998 Graduated in Medicine, University of Turin, Italy
2002 DTM&H University of Barcelona, Spain
2000-2003 Specialized in Infectious Diseases, University of Turin, Italy
2008-2011 PhD University of Brescia, Italy “Appropriate methodologies and techniques in International Development Cooperation”
Experiences in developing countries: Burundi, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Author of >60 articles on Peer review.