Victoria Camps

Victoria Camps
Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, she is also President of the Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation and Chairperson of the Bioethics Committee of Spain.
Her professional career has included a period as a member of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia from 2002 to 2008, and she was chairperson of the Commission for Television Content from 1993 to 1996, a period during which she was an independent senator for the socialist party of Catalonia and Spain, the PSC-PSOE.
Victòria Camps has published several books on bioethics and philosophy, including: Una vida de calidad, La voluntad de vivir, Paradojas del individualismo or Virtudes públicas, for which she was awarded the Espasa Non-fiction Prize in 1990. Her most recent publications are: Creer en la educación, El declive de la ciudadanía, El gobierno de las emociones.
Victoria Camps' professional achievements have been recognised by the Josep Mª Lladó Prize for Freedom of Expression, in 1999; the Prize for Achievement in Education, awarded by the Regional Government of Andalucia in 1999; and the Menéndez Pelayo International Prize, received in 2008.